Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bike Prom!

Hooray for Cincinnati, home of MoBo's bike gang!!! 

With options of attending a Red's game or touring around the Taste of Cincinnati, Erin and I chose to participate in Bike Prom. 

It was a fancy affair adorned with tuxes, elegant dresses and double-decker tandem bicycles.  We started out in artistic (and hipster) Northside, got our formal photos taken, and then slowly cruised downtown to frolic in some water fountains.  People laughed and some looked confused, but all were jealous that we didn't have to pay to park.

Now, in my opinion, it is fundamental that every local community have a bike gang.  These people seem to have the same mentality: enjoy your commute, take pride in your pedals, work hard for your destination and, most of all, make it fun!  I've never met a close-minded fun-hater bike cruiser. 

Cincy, you make me proud! (But damn that humidity...Erin and I looked like we had a hell of a prom night by the end.)

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